Spring Semester 2013: A Reflection

This course has truly been a blessing in disguise. For months, or maybe even years, I have been saying I want to start writing again and this class gave me the means and motivation to do it – and not even because of the obligation to write for the grade.

I found a niche that I never thought I would write about and discovered that I enjoyed the adventure far more than I originally thought. I’ve always thought of myself as a music person. Music would be the only non-fiction subject I write about. I mean, how much could a picky eater possibly write about food? To my surprise, quite a bit!

Through this course I’ve learned it’s OK to be a writer with extreme idea A.D.D. As long as you never stop taking notes and find the right audience for what you want to say, all ideas can be revisited in due time. (Which is good because if you ever get the chance to see some of my notebooks at home, you’ll think I’ve gone insane.) I’m no longer scared of writer’s block. The kinks will eventually work themselves out as long has I keep the passion for what I intend to write about alive.

Though writing my proposal was originally a fate worse than death, it became easier with the more time I spent practicing the art of writing a proposal, reciting each passage and editing. When writing for a magazine or newspaper, you’re told to be objective – you can’t show partiality to either side of a story. So here I was faced with an assignment where I was SUPPOSED to give my opinion and write with passion and feeling and actually try to convince the reader to feel or think a certain way about an issue. It was something completely foreign to me. I can’t say I enjoy writing proposals now, but I’m not going to be intimidated when I write one in the future (should I ever have to). Oh, I can also guarantee that I will never be comfortable giving presentations. Ever. It’s just not in my blood.

I thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read my posts and an even bigger thank you to those who made suggestions and gave feedback. You have also helped me develop as a writer. Though the semester is over and the course is complete, I fully intend to continue with this blog. Not only has it helped me grow as a writer and learn how to write outside of my comfort zone, it was also a fun experience and an adventure that I am nowhere near completing.

You haven’t seen the last of me yet.

One thought on “Spring Semester 2013: A Reflection

  1. Yay! I’ve so enjoyed reading this blog and watching it (and you) develop. You have indeed found a niche and I think you already have a following. I can only see it grow bigger in the future.

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