Enn: Delicious, but not an Every Night Kind of Place

I love sushi.

I don’t remember how she did it, but my sister is the one that convinced me to try it when I was a sophomore in college. Since then, I was hooked. In fact, there is an all-you-can-eat place called Sushi Palace on Washington Avenue in North Haven (CT) that I absolutely love. My friends and I try to go at least once a week – sometimes we end up there twice a week. (Maybe that’s why my bridesmaid’s dress for my best friend’s July wedding has become a little snug….don’t tell her)!

There is one problem to this story, though. In June, I will be moving into my boyfriend’s house in Rhode Island. Being over an hour away, I’m obviously going to have to give up my weekly all-you-can-eat. So, this past weekend, I made it my mission to try a sushi place in Rhode Island that could replace Sushi Palace. Hearing of this mission, my boyfriend took me to Enn in Lincoln, RI.

The ambiance was really quite nice. Sometimes nicer restaurants can be a little too dark. During one of my first trips to Rhode Island, we went to a different sushi place called Bon, which was delicious, but was so dark that I had to use the light from my cell phone to read the menu. At Enn, though the lights were dim, there was plenty of natural light coming from the front window wall of the building – making for a comfortable atmosphere. Now, I didn’t know this, but on Saturdays Enn provides live music. So we got to enjoy contemporary piano music while we ate.

Almost $100 worth of raw fish...but so delicious

Almost $100 worth of raw fish…but so delicious

My boyfriend and I got a mix of basic sushi rolls and “fancy rolls” – which basically means that there are more components to the roll other than fish and rice. Some come with hot peppers, others have cream cheese, etc. Everything we ordered was delicious and you could tell that the fish was of the freshest quality available. However, this place is a little to expensive to be a once a week kind of hangout. Our meal came close to $100, which just isn’t in my budget. I do recommend it, though, if you are passing through the area and want a place to stop for a romantic dinner date or family gathering.

5 thoughts on “Enn: Delicious, but not an Every Night Kind of Place

  1. You had me at “all you can eat sushi.” I am a fan of certain kinds of sushi and am definitely craving it after reading this post. I thought it was well written and a fun read. I feel like the post could have been a little more clear with the topic (what about sushi are you trying to discuss here?). For example, I couldn’t really tell if you were explaining how your date with your boyfriend went or reviewing the restaurant. Other than that, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and am looking forward to our next post! šŸ™‚

  2. Hurrah for expanding your blog into restaurant review territory! I actually just tried sushi for the first time myself about a week ago. I was always horrified by the idea of eating raw meat, but your intro post helped me feel more confident that there was more to it than that. Turns out I’ve been missing out all these years.

    In this post, I’d like to hear more about the specifics of your meal. Did you get good service? Did you have to wait long? Which rolls were your favorite, and which not so much? How were the sauces? Overall I think this is a solid review, though. I will have to keep this place in mind if I ever want to go on a fancy dinner date.

    Nice job!

  3. I love sushi as well…maybe its because I grew up here on Long Island, but it is a tad bit expensive. I try to limit it to a few times a month just because of expense alone. While, Im not a fan of mayo or cream cheese on my sushi, I love sashimi. There is an awesome place here (way expensive tho) called Aji 53. Really trendy and swank kinda place but the food is incredible. But I will have to check out your favorite place in NEw Haven, next time I visit my cousins in Conn. We are always going out to grab sushi…well more like food in general lol…I love your food post blog. I dont think theres anything posted that I wouldnt eat, Id also be like 500 pounds if I ate everything posted here every day haha.

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