Elevator Speech

Imagine having the ability to search through recipes, compare various food items or watch video tutorials on the most requested recipes or kitchen how-to. The one problem: you are a picky eater. The new app Pick-E-Recipe is designed for eaters like you. No more having to deal with the stress and embarrassment of avoiding social events and having to explain your situation to others.

Through the recipe search you have access to lists of step-by-step recipes based on the foods you want to cook. Compare food items based on tastes and texture and discover the best ways to prepare them. A weekly video blog will provide kitchen tutorials requested by users and presented by a myriad of culinary professionals. Consider Pick-E-Recipe a quick and easy way to broaden your culinary experiences at your own pace.

2 thoughts on “Elevator Speech

  1. This is great. You sell your product well. I would suggest making two versions of your pitch, one for your target audience (this one), and another for potential investors so you can show the what a good idea it is and, possible, why it could be a good investment.

  2. This is short and sweet (in the best possible way). I also think it would help to nod to a few logistic concerns that would be of interest to a potential investor, like development or maintenance costs.

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